Right now my allergies seem to be at their worst, so this has me kind of looking forward to the move. I think. I never hear Brits complaining of allergies. Although, I haven't really googled it.
The other member of our family that suffers possibly more than myself is our dog, Pip. I can't tell you how many vet visits, pills, natural remedies and shots we've put him through to help his scratching. He's the only dog I know that has a dermatologist. Hopefully our time there will give old Pippy a break, too.
Not much to report as of now. However, if you are ever interested in traveling or moving to the UK with your pets, I'll fill you in on a little of that as we go.
It is now possible for US dogs to spend their quarantine time at home before their move. All this really means is that they have some blood drawn at the vet and then that's it. Life goes on as normal. The process starts six to seven months before leaving. The blood that the vet takes is sent to Kansas to be tested for a rabies titer. BTW, Kansas is like the only place in the country that does this test. There are a few other steps you must take. The dogs must be chipped by one of the approved companies (approved by the UK, that is) and must have had a rabies shot after the chip was implanted. Then, prior to the dogs leaving, they must have a rabies shot 24-48 hours prior to their flight.
There is quite a bit of paperwork, too. And just to be sure that we are doing everything correctly, we've hired a service to help us with this and their transportation.
The UK has very sticky rules about pet entry, as they don't have any reported cases of rabies. I've heard that it's much easier to get the dogs home... you know, since we have all kinds of rabid animals running around.
Also not much to report on Baby Boy Cooper. I guess not much really happens in your second trimester. Only that I feel good, with the exception of regular heartburn and that I've developed high blood pressure. But, both of those beat the hell out of the way I was feeling only a few weeks ago. So glad that's over!! Baby is also feeling good, and having a swim party on a daily basis. Scott is funny - not as enamoured with all the baby clothes as I am. However, I think he was having a good time with our new stroller. Hmmmm, maybe because it has four wheels??? Men.
Glad to hear Bishop the Squatter is cooking nicely. Allergies are suckin' big time for me as well- especially today- damn wind!
ReplyDeleteUpdate... my allergies are horrible in London. Not the entire time... just this particular week. Pip's seem to be doing fine, though. He hasn't had an atopica since we moved here. Which is fantastic and saves us a lot of green.