Monday, March 29, 2010

I Think I'm Going to Need a Bigger Suitcase.

Have you ever been loyal to one brand your entire life? I have. I'm a loyal user and abuser of Crest toothpaste. I say abuser because I have to put extra toothpaste on my brush to allow for half to get knocked off when I wet it.
For as long as I can remember I have been a Crest user. Yes, I've tried samples of other brands that you get from the dentist. Colgate, Ultra Brite, Aim, but they never had the same yummy wintergreen flavor that Crest had. As a child I even remember getting a tube of Aquafresh, once. It tasted okay, but I was more intrigued with getting the big S-shaped, two-toned toothpaste swirl they always had on their commercials. My mother probably wondered how or why I went through one tube so fast. Those swirls... impossible to make, btw. After failing at that, I immediately went back to Crest.
No... I'm not writing this to plug my favorite oral hygiene product. I'm trying to make a point. I'm usually open to trying new products, but there are just some that I like AND I DON'T WANT TO CHANGE. So, with the upcoming move, I've compiled a list of products that I have started stockpiling to take with us. Things that I'm afraid I won't be able to find in the UK.
After we've been there awhile, I plan on revisiting this list to let you know what is available in the UK, what I should have brought, what I should have just left at home.

Just know that if I run out of something, I plan on hitting one of you up. So, save a little room in your suitcase.

-Crest toothpaste, whitening fresh mint gel
-Hair Gel, Ouidad Humidity Styling Gel
- Mont-ro Skin Care products
-Desert Essence Lip Rescue
-Trident Layers Gum... Strawberry/Orange (just enough to get me through the pregnancy)
-Peanut Butter, smooth (not that I eat this often... but, often enough that I should have a jar on hand)
-Ice Tray(s)
-Dental Floss, Johnson & Johnson Cleanbursts, Icy Spearmint
-Diaper Genie Refills (got a pretty good start on that)
-Lakme, K Therapy Repair Shampoo and Conditioner
-Mach 3 razor blades... for Scott.
-Women's Hygiene products... which, I'll spare you on. However, you girls know what I'm talking about. You find something you like, you stick with it.
-1 can of pumpkin puree, in case we are there during Thanksgiving. I must have a pumpkin pie.

If I didn't list it, it doesn't mean I don't use it. It just means I'm not attached to one particular brand or flavor, so I should find something over there. Luckily, the make-up I wear is made in the UK. Does that mean it's sold there? Well, I'm kind of counting on that... guess I should check, huh?

Oh... anyone think they could squeeze an entire Target store into their bag??? I'm already having withdrawals. All of the transplants say it's the one store they miss.

One last thing. If you are coming to visit and it is close to Girl Scout Cookie time, you are required to bring at least one box of Samoas.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spring is in the Airaaaaachooooo!

I don't ever remember having allergies until we moved to Dallas. I mean, I always had the annual sinus infection, but that was like a week long thing. Now, I suffer a stuffy nose, itchy ears, itchy eyes and the only relief the roof of my mouth has is when I scratch it with a fork. I've become a mouth breather, and not just in my sleep. I have no idea what it is. Cottonwood? Pollution? I mean, the Dallas landscape can't be much different than Tyler, Texas. Can it??

Right now my allergies seem to be at their worst, so this has me kind of looking forward to the move. I think. I never hear Brits complaining of allergies. Although, I haven't really googled it.
The other member of our family that suffers possibly more than myself is our dog, Pip. I can't tell you how many vet visits, pills, natural remedies and shots we've put him through to help his scratching. He's the only dog I know that has a dermatologist. Hopefully our time there will give old Pippy a break, too.

Not much to report as of now. However, if you are ever interested in traveling or moving to the UK with your pets, I'll fill you in on a little of that as we go.
It is now possible for US dogs to spend their quarantine time at home before their move. All this really means is that they have some blood drawn at the vet and then that's it. Life goes on as normal. The process starts six to seven months before leaving. The blood that the vet takes is sent to Kansas to be tested for a rabies titer. BTW, Kansas is like the only place in the country that does this test. There are a few other steps you must take. The dogs must be chipped by one of the approved companies (approved by the UK, that is) and must have had a rabies shot after the chip was implanted. Then, prior to the dogs leaving, they must have a rabies shot 24-48 hours prior to their flight.
There is quite a bit of paperwork, too. And just to be sure that we are doing everything correctly, we've hired a service to help us with this and their transportation.
The UK has very sticky rules about pet entry, as they don't have any reported cases of rabies. I've heard that it's much easier to get the dogs home... you know, since we have all kinds of rabid animals running around.

Also not much to report on Baby Boy Cooper. I guess not much really happens in your second trimester. Only that I feel good, with the exception of regular heartburn and that I've developed high blood pressure. But, both of those beat the hell out of the way I was feeling only a few weeks ago. So glad that's over!! Baby is also feeling good, and having a swim party on a daily basis. Scott is funny - not as enamoured with all the baby clothes as I am. However, I think he was having a good time with our new stroller. Hmmmm, maybe because it has four wheels??? Men.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Is This Thing On??

I never thought I would be one to blog, but I guess since everyone else is doing it, I'll join the fad.
No, actually, I thought it would be nice to blog about the upcoming changes in our lives. I'm not one to journal, but I don't want to forget some of the things that we will be experiencing over the next couple of years. So, won't you join on us our journey of parenthood and becoming ex-pats.... at...... the...... SAME......... TIME.

I'll start out by saying that I, by nature, stress easily. This probably explains why I found my first gray hair at eighteen. So, I can't say that our decision to move to London has been an easy one for me. It sounded great (and easy) at first, but the more I stewed on it, the more stressed I got (and still get). That leaves poor Scott to do all the thinking and decision making.
When it comes to major stress-factors, I tend to take the Scarlet O'Hara approach, "I can't think about this today, or I'll go crazy. I'll just have to think about it tomorrow. After all tomorrow is another day." Except for me... when the next day arrives, I still can't think about it. I love my husband and I'm so glad he has a steady head on his shoulders. Maybe that's why we sync so well.

Just in brief, I'll answer a few questions that we are asked every time we see friends or family.

1. Sometime around the end of April
2. No, we don't have a place yet. We get two months of corporate housing and that gives us time to find a place to rent.
3. Yes our dogs are going with us.
4. No, our kiddo won't have dual-citizenship.
5. Tortilla chips and real salsa - not jarred.
6. The car is staying here in storage. I'm not driving in London.
7. No, couldn't bring ourselves to sell the house, so we are going to rent it.
8. 1-2 years.
9. No, storing pretty much everything, except for baby items.
10. My husband's job (I guess this should be answer 1, as it's usually the first question).

You can probably figure out the questions.

The other big news in our lives is that we are having a baby. Baby Boy Cooper will be joining us August 4th... or whenever he decides to make an appearance. This is not a lifelong desire for us, I'll admit it. For most of our married lives we thought kids were not for us. But, when we started thinking about it, Scott's co-worker said something that kind of hit home, "It's a life experience I don't want to miss out on." He's right. So, here we are. At the most inconvenient time in our lives. So, little Baby Cooper, if you read this one day... just know that we really do want you, I just wish your big arrival was a few months later. Oh, and know that your old mother is a pro at poor planning. So, it's not entirely your fault. :bighug: <-that makes it funny and implies that I made a joke. Oh, and thanks Chad for those life-changing words. If this was something you found in a fortune cookie, please... never tell me.

I won't bore you with the details of day to day stuff. I'll just let you know that I quit my job a few weeks ago. So, the stress level rising might have something to do with not keeping my mind busy. I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm not just sitting here, although Scott would probably beg to differ. But, this move, it's always at the front of my mind. Plus, with us leasing our house, I've had to endure strangers walking through looking at OUR HOME. And then coming to the realization that ONE OF THEM will be living here.
LUCKILY, I think we've found someone and they sound great. I'm feeling confident... I'm feeling confident... really I'm trying to feel confident!

Where are the cookies??