Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

It's been over a weeks since snow hit England, and there are still more than traces of it outside. We received about 5" of beautiful white snow over the course of two days. Our road still has traces of ice, and the ground still has some snow. The main roads remained clear due to the amount of traffic. But, the highways seemed to have terrible problems and a lot of trains were running way behind. I even heard of one that was frozen to the tracks. So, it was a good couple of days to stay at home. Where it was warm and dry.

After that, I was ready to walk through mountains of snow if I had to just to go somewhere and see people.

Prior to the snow, the days have still been pretty cold, and a damp cold at that. Most days it stays below forty. So, a coat and scarf is necessary. William gets bundled up in a pile of big blankets or a snowsuit. And Scott and I have gone out to purchase wellies and boots. Oh, and thicker socks. I was always one that never wore a coat, even on really cold days. Why bother? The only time I was ever exposed to it, was the walk from the car to inside the door at work (or a store). I never felt the need to bundle up for a couple minutes exposure to the cold. I feel differently now. Most times parking is such a pain that you would rather just walk it. It's cold, but it's easier.

The feeling of the holidays is everywhere. We went to the tree lighting and parade in Cobham. Had roasted chestnuts and mulled wine to warm the body. Christmas Fairs are popping up in every town. Lights and decorations are on every high street. We went to a Christmas Fair at a Kitchen Garden just outside of town where they released little hot air lanterns. It was a beautiful site and great fun for all the children. I had a blast watching their faces light up.

Just like in the States, the holiday is shoved down your throat when you turn the TV on. One commercial right after the other. I've always said you know it Christmas when the perfumes start advertising on television. Well, it's no different here. Oh, and the M&M's commercial with Santa... "He does exist."
"They do exist."

But, despite the fact that, it does feel more simple, more traditional. I've seen a few people dragging their trees home behind them instead of strapped to the top of their SUV. Only a few of the houses have lights, so far. I know that doesn't sound so festive, but it's a nice change to house after house with perfectly aligned white lights. Oh, and Christmas pudding. Yum! Let me tell you, it beats the socks off our fruitcake. Well, I think anything would be fruitcake, but Christmas pudding and brandy butter is the bomb!

William is now 4 months! He has started teething and I hope it ends soon for him. He's had a couple restless nights and really likes to be cuddled. It's been fun making a list for Santa. William is asking for a few books and toys. And what a coincidence, I have everything he's asked for in a box under the bed!

In case I don't post before Christmas, we are sending warm wishes to you and yours for a wonderful holiday season. Hugs to all!