Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Beginning of the End

Well, I guess it's the beginning of the end of my pregnancy. I woke up at 5:45 this morning, slightly stirred and then Uh OH!... my water broke. No contractions, though. So, we got up, called the midwife at the hospital. She suggested that we come in just to check things out, so we did... and as I suspected, they suggested that we go home to wait things out. A few hours later and I'm still having no contractions. Instead, I'm sitting here, catching up on facebook and a few other forums that I follow. My mother is possibly more ready than I am because her days spent with the baby are numbered before heading back to the States. However, she is passing the time with numerous projects... one being this cute little cell phone cover we saw in a magazine. She has taken the idea and fled with it, I think she's on number three or four now! So, if you have an iphone and want a funny little animal cover, I think she might have one for you.

We are thinking of getting up and making a blackberry pie. We discovered that wild blackberries are EVERYWHERE and we see no one picking them. But, that didn't stop us from picking a giant bowl of them. The neighborhood we live in is having a party tomorrow and we had planned to attend (you know... if I was home and able). The tickets said to bring a dish and a bottle of wine, so our dish was going to be this "local" blackberry pie/cobbler. Guess if we don't get to go, then I'll just have to eat it by myself. Not sure if I can handle that one (says the one that might now have permanently stained purple teeth and tongue)!

Oh, back to the baby. If I don't have contractions by Monday morning, then I go in to be induced. So, I guess I had better get off my butt and get moving... try to move this along as naturally as possible. Hopefully the next time I post, it will be about my birth experience (not to graphic, of course) in the UK.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"I'm Never Moving Again"

I said those words the last time we moved.... and almost five years later, I had to pack up that entire house and put it all in storage. Five years to the date, I was unpacking and assembling new Ikea furniture at our new place in Cobham, Surrey, UK.

Yes, that's right... we are finally in our new place!! I can't believe it. We took possession on the 12th, and lived off a air mattress and two camp chairs for about three days until our Ikea shipment arrived on the 15th. My mother's flight arrived on the 14th, so if you do the math, you know that one of us slept on the floor for a night. And no, it wasn't me or my mother.

Seventeen Ikea furniture boxes plus the about fifteen we shipped from home, two rather larger orders from John Lewis, three trips to the local recycling center and a week later, I think we have EVERYTHING in its place. Yes, I still need a few things for the walls and maybe a few things on the mantels, but... that will come with a little time. I can't keep things sparse for long. No matter how long I try or want to keep it that way. It's in my blood.
And as much as I've said I'm not shipping anything home when we move back... well, I don't think that will happen. I'm already in love with a few things that I've purchased and I can completely envision them in our Dallas house.
We've found the local "Home Depot" which is a store called B&Q (What can you do? - their slogan). and purchased a grill, some plants and more rods for the closets and wardrobes. So, I would say that we are settling in quite nicely.
My only frustration is that my separate dryer (you know, one of the reasons I fell in love with this place) is not working. The landlord has already sent someone out to repair it, but the guy's fix only lasted a few days (which he warned me could happen - and if so, then he would come back and replace a part). So, I'm living the British life. Hanging laundry on a little rack. Of course the dryer decides to break on the day that I decide to start washing all the little man's duds.
Speaking of little man, he's not here yet. He did what he was told, stayed put until we got moved. I hope this is a sign of future years and that he always listens to mom and dad!
We met with a midwife yesterday and all is normal and we are getting close. We've also toured the hospital we will be giving birth at, Epsom Hospital. It's a smaller place with fewer births than some of the other hospitals in the area. I'm looking forward to all the attention from the midwives, I think. I wouldn't be surprised if I were the only one giving birth at the time. During our visit, there was only one room occupied. My mother said it sounded like Henderson Memorial... where I was born. I was the only baby in the nursery, so no mistaking me for someone else's child.
Well, time to get up from here and get more laundry out in the fresh open air. Hint of sarcasm on that one...
I think in my next blog I'm going to point out the things in our house that I like, and things that are completely ridiculous. Still trying to Americanize everything.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Am I Jinxing It?

If I tell you that we are moving into our new place on Monday?? Man, I hope not. But, there you have it. Monday, July 12th at 11:00AM. Fourteen days later than we were originally told. I'm not bitter, anymore. I'm just ready.

"We have so much time and so little to do! Strike that, reverse it." -Willy Wonka

Our weekends are filled with trying to get things purchased. The hard part is deciding what we need as soon as we get there and what can wait a couple days. The problem with buying it now is that we have to move it and get it out to Cobham. So far, we have 2 suitcases, 1 large suitcase, 1 huge duffle bag, 3 boxes that came ground shipment from home, one HUGE box of linen items that I ordered here, an air mattress (in a box), assorted grocery items, 3 large bags of accumulated items, 2 large dog crates and two smaller dogs. Okay... not a lot, really. But, it is a lot if we think we are going to get it all in a cab! Guess we are going to have to contact "a guy in a van" type operation.

We did make another large purchase this week and it is waiting on us in Cobham. We bought the one thing that I didn't think we would need living in London. But, I guess since we aren't technically in London, we found it to be a necessity. Yes, that's right... I've joined the ranks of other mothers and we are now the proud owner of a station wagon.
Okay... it's not a station wagon, it's a four-door hatch. I guess it's as close to a station wagon as we get these days. But hey... it's not a mini van, therefore, I'm still somewhat a cool mom.
If you care to look it up, we bought a 2003 Peugeot 307. Not my dream car, but it fits our needs for now.
If you know me, you know I love the driving experience... not sure this is going to do it for me long term, but not knowing how long our stay was, we weren't willing to buy new. Also, since this isn't my baby (the car) I won't really get upset if Baby spits up all over this car or spills his cheerios everywhere.

Anyway with this purchase, you are probably asking why we don't transport our own stuff to Cobham. Well, I'll tell you... I'm not going to let my first drive on the wrong side of the road be IN London. I need a little time to get used to the idea of getting in on the wrong side of the car and driving on the left side of the road. See? Even typing that, I had to stop and think about what side they drive on. RIGHT, people!!! IT SHOULD BE RIGHT!! I also need time to learn all the crazy street markings. Once again (like a lot of things here), it's not simplified.

And if you're wondering if I need a license to drive here, well I do. So do you! The good thing is that your US license works for a year. And that's a year from your arrival date. After that you do have to get a UK drivers license. From what I understand it's a pretty tough program, but once you have it, you have for life (or maybe until your 70 - or whichever comes first).

Other big things... my mother arrives on Wednesday the 14th. Our Ikea shipment arrives the very next day. So, I hope she's in the mood to assemble furniture. I can't wait to see my mother. This is one of the longest separations we've ever had. Thank goodness for video chat. I hope I have enough time to show her around town a little before the baby decides to arrive. I have been making a list of a few places to show her.

I'll share one, now. The Borough Market. This is actually our favorite market, and we hit it regularly on our last visit here. So far in the last two months, I've only hit it once. Not sure why, though. If you are a foodie, this is foodie heaven. I know both my parents will enjoy it, but the main reason I want to go is to buy Burnt Sugar. My facebook friends already know about this, as I've gone on and on about it. But, it Burnt Sugar is a taste from my past - yet, I didn't know it or expect it to be. Bought a little on a whim.
Have you ever had one of those?? A taste that you always remember??? You can taste it so vividly in your mind no matter how long it's been since you've had it??? Well, for me I have about three of those. Things that I can still taste, but can't have or find, but it's permanently embedded in my brain and taste buds. One is my grandmother's Lebanese bread. I've found close, but just not quite. The other is cherry Certs. Why don't they make those anymore?? And the third... one of my most favorite flavors in the world... the little praline squares that were found in the bottom of the chip basket at Monterrey House. Well, guess what. I've found that flavor, and it turns out it's in the form of burnt sugar.
They call it fudge here, but it is in no way close to what we call fudge. Number one, it's not chocolate. Number two, it's not a fudgey texture (well, fudge that is made the right way, anyway). And three, it's pralines from Monterrey House - plain and simple! I bought a few squares (see? squares!) just to see what they were all about. Later, Scott and I tried a bite - I just couldn't believe what I was tasting. Scott agreed - it's the same! I'm so excited!
So, I plan to take my mother back and stock up. I know she'll want a bag, too - and so will just about anyone in my family. I think I'm seeing some future Christmas presents here!
I know it's crazy to get so excited over something, but it's been over twenty years since I've been able to find that flavor for real... now that I have, I hope I don't ruin it by tasting it too often - but, I really don't think that's possible.

Here's the link for those that might be at the Borough Market and grew up on Monterrey House:
It's the one called Crumbly Fudge with Sea Salt.

Our weeks have been filled with finishing up antenatal courses and hospital visits in the country (making it an almost all day event). We did celebrate the 4th at a picnic event hosted by one of the overseas political parties. It was great to have a REAL hotdog, REAL yellow mustard and whoopie pie! Also for this coming weekend, Scott has purchased tickets to go to Kew Gardens for a picnic and a Queen cover band. Sounds like a fun time, actually. This will be our last chance to do nothing for a few weeks and I'm looking forward to it.

Hopefully the next time I post it will be from the beautiful village of Cobham!!