This week we are having a garage sale to clear out things we don't want to store. I'm quite proud of myself. I've actually parted with some things that I thought I would have a hard time with. But, it's no miracle. I still have things I know I will never use or pass down since we are having a son. Still I cling to them.
The one thing that sticks out most in my mind is a pail. I received this pail for my 12th birthday. It has balloons on the side and my name on the top of the lid. I don't remember who gave it to me or what was in it, but to this day I still have it. In my defense, I have always put it to use. It holds other tidbits, neatly in the top of our guest closet. Still I know Container Store has something that would be larger and more useful for closet storage. But, it wouldn't be as cute.
Cards... this could possibly be the hardest for me to part with. There are several reasons I like cards. For one, I like old cards and I hope that the ones I choose to keep will one day be some that someone stumbles upon in some junk store and falls in love with. Just like some of the old vintage ones I've stumbled across and purchased.
The second reason is that sometimes it's nice to have something like the handwriting of someone that is no longer with us. I'm glad I kept those. And every ten years or so, when analyzing my box of cards, it's a warm feeling to run across those, maybe a little sad... Either way, it's a step back and a way to remember a loved one or close friend.
Third, I like to keep most of the ones from my mother, they always contain an encouraging word, support and love.
Last, I keep most of the ones that Scott gives me. Why? Because he will always write the things he won't usually say. I like to revisit those the most.
It's been a long emotional week for me. I'm sure most of it is hormones. Plus, I'm extremely tired. However, sorting through everything you own and remembering where and when you acquired most things can a little stirring. Maybe I'll feel a little differently tomorrow with all that green in my hand. Time to start new memories...
Just as long as they don't need to be dusted.